March 5, 2022

Nature’s Nursery: Discovering the Fillmore Fish Hatchery in Fillmore, CA

While you might assume that a fish hatchery is a place of mere fish production, the Fillmore Fish Hatchery in Fillmore, CA, is so much more. […]
March 5, 2022

Uncovering Hidden Gems: A Day at Balden Towne Plaza in Fillmore, CA

Ever wondered if those small-town shopping plazas hold any real treasures? Well, you’re in for a surprise. Spend a day at Balden Towne Plaza in Fillmore, […]
March 4, 2022

A Day at Hansen Agricultural Center, Faulkner Farm: Uncovering Agricultural Heritage in Santa Paula, CA

You roam through the lush rows of citrus trees, you absorb the rich history embedded in century-old barns, and you marvel at the ancient farming equipment […]