There’s no doubt that the manual transmission is slowly going extinct. Why not? Automatic transmissions are easier and more efficient than their stick-shift counterparts, but they’re also expensive to repair. Manual transmission repairs can be costly, too, but they’re not always necessary in order to get your vehicle running properly again. Here are some things that you should know about manual transmission repair.
Nowadays, it’s getting harder and harder to find a new vehicle with a stick shift, especially in the United States. There are actually only one or two car manufacturers left who still produce them at all these days. It’s usually more expensive to purchase a vehicle with the manual transmission, so most people simply opt for automatics instead.
There are pros and cons to both automatic and manual transmissions, and no one solution is best for everyone. Whether you own a stick-shift or an automatic, it’s important that you take care of your vehicle properly in order to keep it running for as long as possible.
Manual transmissions are typically less expensive to repair than automatic ones, and they’re also easier to repair in some cases. For example, if your vehicle has a mechanical problem with the transmission or clutch, you may be able to replace just those parts rather than having them both replaced at once.
It’s absolutely essential to have regular transmission fluid changes as well as routine maintenance on your vehicle. This keeps the gears smooth and properly lubricated, which is especially important in a manual transmission where there’s no automatic gear shifting going on. If you neglect to change the fluid in the transmission or perform regular maintenance on it, you may find yourself in need of a more expensive repair very soon.
One thing that most people don’t realize is that it’s not always necessary to replace the entire manual transmission if something goes wrong with it. If you can just replace the broken part, then it’s generally easier and less expensive than replacing the whole transmission system.
If you need to have a manual transmission repair, whether it’s due to general wear and tear or an in-the-moment problem, be sure that you hire a technician who knows what they’re doing. They should check everything carefully to make sure that the repairs are going to work before actually implementing them. If you don’t get the proper repairs done, you could end up having to pay for more repairs in the future or even replacing your entire transmission system.
It’s hard to believe that manual transmissions are becoming a thing of the past, but this trend is not likely to reverse itself any time soon. Keep your manual transmission running smoothly and make sure that you perform regular maintenance on it to ensure that it lasts. For more information about the best place for manual transmission repair, visit Auto Precision Repair today.